Comment favoriser les installations agricoles à Mouans-Sartoux via la mise en place de logements pour les agriculteurs?
2019 parents and children survey: another plebiscite!
More than 97% of respondents are satisfied with the actions carried out by the municipality around food.
The same is impressive for pupils who say they are "very satisfied" and "somewhat satisfied", while only 8% of them still regret that there are too many vegetables. Finally, importantly, three-quarters of parents surveyed say they have increased their share of raw products and vegetables and fruits, as well as decreased their consumption of processed products and sugary drinks.
Check our videos
Explications et pédagogie en images sur la chaîne YouTube de la MEAD.

Some resources to act
Pour parvenir à amorcer le changement chez soi, pas à pas.

Étude alimentaire de Mouans-Sartoux

Two essential docs
Go on...
- Food market: some examples of specifications of tenders for beef, eggs and dairy products and frozen food.
- The local educational project adopted by city council.
- An example of doc PowerPoint to broadcast on the experience of Mouans-Sartoux (Nantes, 2016, Rebel canteens Tour de France with Un Plus Bio)